Dive into Tokyo's anime and manga hub with the Akihabara Adventure Tour! Engage in Cosplay, explore speciality stores, and embrace Japanese sub-culture. Book now for an unforgettable half-day experience!
Meeting point
Get playful with Prikura, a popular photo booth that creates trading cards and stickers. Engage in Cosplay, Gacha gaming, and more, for a hands-on cultural experience.
Explore this specialty store filled with millions of Anime and Manga-related goods, including figures that cater to every fan's dreams.
Discover Anime/Manga-related goods, cosplay items, and a wide selection of figures and books at this renowned spot.
Sip coffee in quirky themed cafes or cuddle with animals in unique animal cafes. Try your hand at games in the bustling game centers.
Tour ends at 17:00.