What other travelers are saying about Nishiki Market
We went twice as it can be pretty overwhelming to the senses. So much to see and so many people. It was great the second time to be able to take your time. If you have to stop, go to the side and take your time…
What a wonderful introduction to Japanese food culture. Still a thriving legendary market that offers a glimpse
Of Kyoto in the feudal times.
I didn’t do a tour as I think it is to be
Experienced on your own. But tours are
Awesome to see and taste regions like this.
The market has variety of stores, very clean market as you can see every stall will clean not just inside the store but drainage in front of their store. No wonder the market is clean and not smelly! Love to spend sometime here to explore and look for food!
Nice place to look around for souvenirs for, but there’s better food options a few blocks away from the market. The food stalls are nice but again it’s tailored for tourists. Nice selection of barbecue and ramen shops.
Very overcrowded and packed, go as early as you can to avoid the crowds.
Really large shopping district and street food market area in Kyoto. There are LOTS of tourists so it is very busy. Street food is over priced for the tourists so be careful where you buy food. Some stalls can vary from 100 yen up to 300 yen in price difference. For example one stall was selling fresh oyster for 600 yen and another stall was selling the same fresh oyster for 800 yen. There are also many shops available. You can finds lots of souvenirs here. Again be sure to shop around as some shops charge more for the exact same item as other stores. Keep your eyes looking ahead as you will walk into other people if you don’t keep your eyes open!
We had heard much about this marketplace and I have to say I was sorely disappointed. We went there on a weekday at around 11 AM and it was already packed, so packed that you could barely navigate it. Yes there were a few stalls that had honest food but most of it look like tourist junk. I had more fun in the adjacent consumer mall. You can get the same or better food elsewhere and not have to put up with these mad crowds.