Trip To Japan

Top Cities to Enjoy a Mario Kart Adventure in Japan

Hildur Photo
Hilda Jonsdottir
Sep 22, 2023
A person dressed in a green and white costume drives a red go-kart across a busy city street. The background features a large building with "TSUTAYA" signage, along with several pedestrians, vehicles, and billboards in an urban environment.

Japan offers an incredible array of unique experiences for travelers, but none quite as thrilling and whimsical as the real-life Mario Kart adventures on its bustling city streets. From the neon-lit avenues of Tokyo to the serene pathways of Kyoto, driving a go-kart dressed as your favorite Super Mario character is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that combines fun, nostalgia, and sightseeing.

In this blog post, we'll explore the top cities where you can embark on a street-kart adventure and discover why these locations are must-visits for Mario Kart fans.


Why Tokyo is a Must-Visit for Mario Kart Fans

Tokyo, the bustling capital of Japan, is a dream destination for Mario Kart enthusiasts. The city’s vibrant streets, iconic landmarks, and electric atmosphere make it a prime location for a street-kart adventure.

Driving through Tokyo in a go-kart, dressed in your favorite Mario character costume, is an experience like no other. The blend of modern skyscrapers, historic temples, and neon lights creates a surreal environment that brings the game to life.

Must-Visit Go Kart Locations in Tokyo

Tokyo is home to several popular spots where you can start your Mario Kart adventure. Here are some must-visit locations:

Shibuya Crossing

One of the most famous intersections in the world, Shibuya Crossing is a symbol of Tokyo’s bustling energy. Driving a go-kart through this area is both thrilling and unique. The sight of hundreds of people crossing the street while you navigate your kart is a quintessential Tokyo experience.

The iconic Shibuya Crossing, with its sea of people, bright advertisements, and towering buildings, offers an adrenaline-pumping start to your Mario Kart adventure. Make sure to capture the moment with an action camera as you drive through this iconic spot.

Tokyo Tower

Tokyo Tower offers a picturesque backdrop for your Mario Kart adventure. The iconic red and white structure is a popular stop on many street kart routes. Driving around Tokyo Tower at night, when it’s illuminated, adds an extra layer of magic to your experience.

The tower’s impressive height and structure make it a landmark that can be seen from various points in the city, providing a stunning view as you race around. As you navigate the streets, the view of Tokyo Tower serves as a perfect photo opportunity.

Akihabara District

Known as the mecca for tech and anime fans, Akihabara is a vibrant area filled with electronic shops and anime stores. Karting through Akihabara, with its bright signs and bustling streets, is a treat for anyone who loves Japanese pop culture.

The district’s unique atmosphere makes it a favorite among Mario Kart fans. Akihabara’s streets are lined with colorful billboards and stores dedicated to anime, manga, and video games, making it an exciting and visually stimulating area to explore in a go-kart. The blend of futuristic vibes and traditional Japanese elements adds to the adventure.


Shinagawa, with its mix of business districts and waterfront areas, offers a diverse karting experience. The wide streets and scenic views of Tokyo Bay make it a great location for a more relaxed drive. Shinagawa’s blend of urban and coastal scenery provides a perfect balance for your kart adventure.

This area is known for its high-rise buildings and the serene Tokyo Bay, offering a mix of urban excitement and peaceful waterfront views. The spacious streets make it easier to navigate your go-kart and enjoy the scenery.


Thrilling Street Kart Adventures in Osaka

Osaka, known for its friendly locals and vibrant nightlife, is another fantastic city for a Mario Kart adventure. The city’s dynamic atmosphere and famous landmarks provide a thrilling backdrop for street karting. From historic sites to modern entertainment hubs, Osaka has it all.

Osaka’s reputation as a lively and energetic city makes it an ideal place for street-karting. The city is also known for its culinary delights, so after a thrilling karting session, you can enjoy some of the best street food in Japan.

Noteworthy Mario Kart Routes in Osaka

Osaka offers several exciting routes for kart enthusiasts. Here are some of the best spots to explore:

Dotonbori Area

Dotonbori is the heart of Osaka’s entertainment district. The area is famous for its neon lights, giant billboards, and vibrant street life. Karting through Dotonbori, especially in the evening, is a mesmerizing experience.

The bright lights and bustling crowds create a lively and unforgettable atmosphere. The Dotonbori Canal and the iconic Glico Man sign are highlights that add to the charm of karting in this area. The energy and excitement of Dotonbori make it a must-visit spot for any Mario Kart enthusiast.

Osaka Castle

Osaka Castle is a historic landmark that offers a beautiful contrast to the modern cityscape. Driving a go-kart around the castle grounds allows you to appreciate the stunning architecture and lush gardens. It’s a serene yet exciting part of your Mario Kart adventure.

The castle, with its imposing structure and scenic surroundings, provides a picturesque backdrop for your karting experience. The area around Osaka Castle is more tranquil compared to the bustling streets of Dotonbori, offering a different kind of adventure.

Universal Studios Japan Vicinity

The area around Universal Studios Japan is another popular spot for karting. The theme park’s energetic atmosphere spills over into the surrounding streets, making it a fun place to drive your kart. You might even spot some familiar characters from the theme park as you navigate the streets.

The vibrant and playful environment around Universal Studios Japan makes it a perfect setting for a Mario Kart adventure. The vicinity of the theme park is designed to be entertaining and visually appealing, enhancing your karting experience.


What Makes Okinawa a Great City for Mario Kart

Okinawa, known for its stunning beaches and relaxed vibe, offers a unique karting experience. The island’s tropical atmosphere and scenic routes provide a refreshing change from the urban settings of Tokyo and Osaka. Karting in Okinawa allows you to explore the beautiful coastal roads and enjoy the island’s natural beauty. The slower pace of life in Okinawa makes it a perfect destination for a more laid-back Mario Kart adventure.


The Allure of Mario Karting in Kyoto

Kyoto, with its rich history and cultural heritage, offers a unique and charming environment for a Mario Kart adventure. The city’s traditional temples, beautiful gardens, and historic streets provide a picturesque backdrop for karting. Driving through Kyoto in a go-kart allows you to experience the city’s timeless beauty in a fun and exciting way.

Popular Mario Kart Spots in Kyoto

Kyoto has several iconic locations that are perfect for a Mario Kart adventure. Here are some of the best spots:

Fushimi Inari Shrine

Fushimi Inari Shrine is famous for its thousands of red torii gates that create a stunning path up the mountain. Karting near this area allows you to appreciate the shrine’s beauty and the serene atmosphere. It’s a peaceful yet exciting part of your Kyoto adventure. The sight of the torii gates lining the paths is one of the most iconic images of Kyoto, and experiencing it from a go-kart adds a new dimension to its charm.

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove

The Arashiyama Bamboo Grove is a magical place with towering bamboo stalks that create a surreal environment. Driving a go-kart through the nearby streets gives you a unique perspective of this natural wonder. The grove’s ethereal beauty makes it a must-visit spot in Kyoto. The dense bamboo forest creates a sense of tranquility and wonder, making your karting experience even more special.

Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion)

Kinkaku-ji, also known as the Golden Pavilion, is one of Kyoto’s most famous landmarks. The shimmering gold leaf-covered temple surrounded by a tranquil pond and gardens is a sight to behold. Karting around this area allows you to soak in the temple’s beauty and peaceful surroundings. The Golden Pavilion’s stunning architecture and serene setting provide a striking contrast to the excitement of karting, making it a unique experience.

Legal and Safety Aspects of Mario Karting in Japan

Participating in a Mario Kart adventure in Japan requires adhering to specific legal and safety regulations. Here are some important aspects to consider:

  • International Driving Permit: Tourists need to have a valid international driving permit (IDP) along with their home country’s driver’s license to participate in street karting in Japan. Ensure you obtain an IDP before your trip. This permit allows you to drive legally in Japan and is essential for joining any street kart tour.

  • Japanese Driver’s License: Residents of Japan need a valid Japanese driver’s license to join the kart tours. This ensures that all participants are familiar with local driving rules and regulations.

  • Safety Measures: All karting companies provide safety briefings and equipment, including helmets and seatbelts. It’s crucial to follow all safety guidelines and drive responsibly. The safety briefings cover essential information about operating go-karts, adhering to traffic laws, and ensuring the safety of yourself and others on the road.

  • Traffic Rules: Participants must adhere to Japan’s traffic laws, including driving on the left side of the road. Familiarize yourself with the local traffic rules to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. This includes understanding road signs, speed limits, and other regulations specific to Japan.

  • Costume Rentals: Most karting companies offer costume rentals, allowing you to dress up as your favorite Mario character. While costumes add to the fun, make sure they do not obstruct your vision or movement. It’s important to choose costumes that are comfortable and safe to wear while driving.

Ready, Set, Go: Embark on Your Mario Kart Adventure in Japan

Discover the thrill of real-life Mario Karting across Japan's most iconic cities. From the bustling streets of Tokyo and the vibrant energy of Osaka to the serene beauty of Okinawa and the historical charm of Kyoto, each city offers a unique and exhilarating experience.

So, get ready to don your favorite Mario character costume, rev up your go-kart, and hit the streets of Japan. Capture every moment with an action camera, enjoy the famous landmarks, and let the thrill of karting create memories that will last a lifetime.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to do Mario Kart in Tokyo?

The cost for a Mario Kart-inspired go-karting experience in Tokyo typically ranges from ¥8,000 to ¥12,000 ($75 to $110 USD) per hour, depending on the tour package and duration.

Is it better to go-kart in Tokyo or Osaka?

Both Tokyo and Osaka offer excellent go-karting experiences, but Tokyo is often preferred for its iconic cityscapes and famous landmarks. However, Osaka provides a slightly less crowded and equally enjoyable experience, often at a slightly lower cost. The choice depends on personal preference and which city's attractions you wish to explore.