Trip To Japan

2024 Must-See July Events and Festivals in Japan

Seongwon Kim
Jun 23, 2024
Nagoya Port Fireworks Festival

July in Japan is a time of vibrant celebrations, cultural events, and spectacular fireworks displays. From the energetic parades of the Hakata Gion Yamakasa to the serene beauty of the Kihoku Lantern Festival, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. 

Whether you’re exploring historic shrines, tasting delicious sake, or marveling at the night sky filled with fireworks, these events offer a wonderful way to experience the rich traditions and festive spirit of Japan. Let’s explore the must-see events and festivals happening across Japan in July 2024.

Top July Festivals and Events Across Japan

1. Aizen Festival (June 30 - July 2)

Aizen Festival
Aizen Festival
  • Location: Shoman-in Temple, Osaka

  • Time: 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Matsuri (Festival)

The Aizen Festival marks the beginning of summer in Osaka, celebrated at the Shoman-in Temple, also known as Aizen-do. Dedicated to Aizen Myoo, the deity associated with love and good fortune, this festival features lively parades, traditional music, and a vibrant display of Osaka’s rich cultural heritage.

During the festival, the streets around the temple are lined with yatai (food stalls) offering delicious local treats such as takoyaki (octopus balls) and okonomiyaki (savory pancakes). Women in yukata (light cotton kimonos) add to the festive atmosphere, participating in dances and traditional ceremonies. The highlight of the festival is the parade of the "Aizen Girls," chosen to represent the festival, who ride on decorated palanquins.

2. Mt. Fuji Opening Fireworks Festival (July 6)

Firework cerebration , Kawaguchiko Lake, Japan
Firework cerebration , Kawaguchiko Lake, Japan
  • Location: Lake Kawaguchiko, Yamanashi

  • Time: 8:00 PM

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Fireworks

The Mt. Fuji Opening Fireworks Festival celebrates the start of the climbing season for Japan’s most iconic peak. Held on the shores of Lake Kawaguchiko, the festival offers a breathtaking view as fireworks light up the night sky with the majestic silhouette of Mount Fuji in the background.

The event draws thousands of spectators who gather to enjoy not only the fireworks but also the various food and craft stalls that line the lake. Local vendors sell specialty goods and delicacies, creating a festive atmosphere that enhances the visual spectacle of the fireworks reflecting on the serene waters of Lake Kawaguchiko.

3. Ito Matsukawa River Tub Riding Race (July 7)

Matsukawa Tarai Race
Matsukawa Tarai Race
  • Location: Matsukawa River, Ito City, Shizuoka

  • Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Cultural Festival, Sports Event

One of Japan's quirkiest summer events, the Ito Matsukawa River Tub Riding Race, takes place in Ito City on the Izu Peninsula. Participants navigate the Matsukawa River in barrels, paddling furiously to reach the finish line. This event, which began in 1956, attracts both competitors and spectators who revel in the fun and lively atmosphere.

The race is part of the city’s efforts to bring people together and celebrate the community spirit. Spectators can enjoy watching the enthusiastic paddlers while also exploring the local attractions and indulging in regional specialties offered at nearby stalls.

4. Sake Spring Kyoto 2024 (Early July)

Dedicated sake barrels at Fushimi Inari Taisha in Fushim-ku, Kyoto
Dedicated sake barrels at Fushimi Inari Taisha in Fushim-ku, Kyoto
  • Location: Kyoto

  • Time: 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM

  • Cost: ¥3,500 (advance), ¥4,000 (on the door)

  • Type: Food, Cultural Festival

Sake Spring Kyoto is a must-visit for enthusiasts of Japan's traditional alcoholic beverage. This event brings together 50 sake brewers from across the country, offering over 150 varieties of nihonshu (sake) for tasting. Held in Kyoto, a city known for its deep cultural roots, the festival provides an immersive experience in the world of Japanese sake.

Visitors can enjoy tasting sessions, learn about the brewing process, and even purchase their favorite bottles. The festival also features food stalls offering dishes that pair perfectly with sake, allowing for a complete gastronomic adventure. It’s an ideal event for both connoisseurs and those new to sake.

5. Ise Shrine Dedication Fireworks Festival (July 13)

Ise Shrine Fireworks Festival
Ise Shrine Fireworks Festival
  • Location: Ise Shrine, Mie

  • Time: 7:20 PM - 9:00 PM

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Fireworks

The Ise Shrine Dedication Fireworks Festival is a grand celebration at one of Japan’s most revered Shinto shrines. Approximately 7,000 fireworks are launched in a competitive format, lighting up the sky in a dazzling display of color and sound. The event is held to honor the gods enshrined at Ise Jingu and is attended by locals and tourists who come to witness the spectacular show.

The festival not only offers a visual treat but also includes a variety of traditional performances and rituals that provide insights into the rich spiritual heritage of the region. Arrive early to explore the beautiful shrine grounds and experience the serene yet festive atmosphere.

6. Nagoya Port Fireworks Festival 2024 (July 15)

Nagoya Port Fireworks Festival
Nagoya Port Fireworks Festival
  • Location: Nagoya Port, Nagoya

  • Time: 7:30 PM - 8:20 PM

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Fireworks

Nagoya's port area will sparkle with a vibrant display of fireworks during the Nagoya Port Fireworks Festival. Although this event features a smaller number of fireworks compared to other festivals, the scenic setting by the water creates a stunning backdrop for the pyrotechnics.

Visitors can enjoy an evening stroll along the port, sampling local foods from various stalls and taking in performances that add to the festive vibe. The combination of the calm waters, colorful explosions in the sky, and the reflection of lights on the surface makes this a cozy yet visually impressive event.

7. Hakata Gion Yamakasa (July 1 - July 15)

Hakata Gion Yamakasa
Hakata Gion Yamakasa
  • Location: Fukuoka

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Matsuri (Festival)

The Hakata Gion Yamakasa is one of Fukuoka’s most spirited festivals, featuring the intense Oiyama race, where teams of men carry heavy floats through the streets at high speed. These intricately decorated floats can weigh up to one ton and are a sight to behold as they are hauled through the city’s narrow streets.

The festival has a history of over 700 years and is deeply rooted in local traditions. It begins with smaller events and ceremonies, gradually building up to the main race. Participants dress in traditional happi coats and fundoshi (loincloths), adding to the festive atmosphere. The entire city comes alive with energy, making it a captivating experience for visitors.

8. Hita Gion Festival (July 14 - July 21)

Hita Gion Festival
Hita Gion Festival
  • Location: Hita, Oita

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Matsuri (Festival)

In the historic town of Hita, the Hita Gion Festival is celebrated with grandeur. The festival is known for its enormous yamaboko floats, which are beautifully adorned with intricate carvings and colorful fabrics. These floats are paraded through the streets, accompanied by traditional music and performances.

The festival dates back to the Edo period and continues to be a significant cultural event in Hita. The highlight is the parade, where the floats are lit up and carried through the town at night, creating a magical and festive atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy the local hospitality and explore the town’s historic sites while immersing themselves in the vibrant celebrations.

9. Minato Matsuri Fireworks Display (July 21)

Minato Matsuri Fireworks Display
Minato Matsuri Fireworks Display
  • Location: Wakayama

  • Time: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Fireworks

The Minato Matsuri Fireworks Display in Wakayama is a celebration of the port’s safety and a way to attract visitors to the area. The festival features a series of fireworks that illuminate the night sky over the port, creating a stunning visual display.

The event also includes various performances and activities that reflect the local culture and traditions. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely evening by the sea, savoring local delicacies from food stalls and soaking in the festive atmosphere. The combination of the beautiful fireworks and the serene setting by the water makes this a delightful summer event.

10. Miyajima Kangen-sai Festival (July 22)

Miyajima Kangen-sai Festival
Miyajima Kangen-sai Festival
  • Location: Itsukushima Shrine, Miyajima Island, Hiroshima

  • Time: 4:00 PM - 12:00 AM

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Cultural Festival

The Kangen-sai Festival on Miyajima Island is a grand annual celebration held at the Itsukushima Shrine, famous for its iconic floating torii gate. This festival dates back to the Heian period and involves a procession of boats decorated with lanterns and musicians playing traditional Japanese instruments.

The serene and picturesque setting of Miyajima Island provides a perfect backdrop for this cultural event. Visitors can watch the beautifully adorned boats as they glide across the water, accompanied by the soothing sounds of traditional music. The festival is a unique opportunity to experience Japan’s ancient traditions in one of its most scenic locations.

11. Tenjin Festival (July 24 - July 25)

Tenjin Festival
Tenjin Festival
  • Location: Osaka

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Matsuri (Festival)

The Tenjin Festival in Osaka is renowned for its illuminated boat processions and spectacular fireworks. Celebrating Sugawara no Michizane, the deity of learning and art, the festival is one of Japan's top three festivals. The highlight is the river procession, where boats carrying portable shrines and performers sail along the Okawa River.

As the boats are illuminated and the night sky lights up with fireworks, the festival creates a magical scene that captivates spectators. The Tenjin Festival also includes various traditional performances, street food stalls, and activities that offer a deep dive into Osaka’s cultural heritage.

12. Doshin/UHB Fireworks Festival 2024 (July 26)

  • Location: Sapporo, Hokkaido

  • Time: 7:40 PM - 8:30 PM

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Fireworks

The Doshin/UHB Fireworks Festival in Sapporo is one of Hokkaido’s most anticipated summer events. The festival features a vibrant display of fireworks that light up the night sky over Sapporo. With thousands of fireworks launched, the event offers a spectacular visual treat that attracts large crowds every year.

Set against the backdrop of Sapporo’s skyline, the festival provides a perfect opportunity to enjoy the summer evening in northern Japan. Visitors can also explore the various food and craft stalls set up around the venue, adding to the festive atmosphere.

13. Atami Marine Sea Fireworks Festival 2024 (July 26)

  • Location: Atami, Shizuoka

  • Time: 8:20 PM - 8:40 PM

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Fireworks

The Atami Marine Sea Fireworks Festival is a long-standing tradition that has been lighting up the east coast of the Izu Peninsula since 1952. The festival is known for its spectacular “Niagara Falls” effect, where a cascade of fireworks creates a stunning visual that resembles a waterfall.

The fireworks are launched over the sea, creating a beautiful reflection on the water and providing a breathtaking view for spectators. The coastal setting of Atami adds to the charm of the festival, making it a perfect summer evening experience by the sea.

14. Kuwana Suigo Fireworks Festival (July 27)

  • Location: Kuwana, Mie

  • Time: 7:30 PM - 8:25 PM

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Fireworks

The Kuwana Suigo Fireworks Festival celebrates the completion of the Ise Bridge in 1934. The festival is unique for its underwater fireworks, where pyrotechnics are launched from the river, creating a mesmerizing display both above and below the water's surface.

The event attracts large crowds who come to enjoy the vibrant atmosphere, delicious food from local vendors, and the stunning visual spectacle. The combination of fireworks and the historical significance of the festival makes it a must-see event in Mie.

15. Yamaguchi Gion Matsuri (July 20 - July 27)

  • Location: Yamaguchi

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Festival

The Yamaguchi Gion Matsuri is a festival rich in tradition and elegance. Known for the Heron Dance, an exquisite performance where participants dress in heron costumes, the festival showcases a series of events, including parades and traditional music.

The dance is designated as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Asset and is performed to the accompaniment of traditional instruments. The festival offers a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Yamaguchi, making it a unique and beautiful celebration.

16. Tobata Gion Yamagasa Festival (July 27)

  • Location: Tobata, Fukuoka

  • Time: 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

  • Type: Matsuri (Festival)

In Tobata, the Tobata Gion Yamagasa Festival lights up the night with its towering Yamagasa floats. These floats are decorated with colorful lights and are paraded through the streets in a lively procession. The festival also includes traditional music and dance performances, creating a vibrant and festive atmosphere.

The tall Yamagasa floats are a sight to behold as they illuminate the Tobata night, adding to the excitement and energy of the festival. It’s a wonderful event that brings together the local community and visitors to celebrate the rich traditions of Fukuoka.

17. Kihoku Lantern Festival (July 27)

  • Location: Kihoku, Mie

  • Time: 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Fireworks, Lantern Festival

The Kihoku Lantern Festival is an enchanting event where large lanterns float in a harbor, accompanied by an evening fireworks display. This festival combines the beauty of traditional lanterns with the excitement of fireworks, creating a magical atmosphere.

The sight of illuminated lanterns drifting on the water and the vibrant fireworks lighting up the night sky offers a serene yet festive experience. It’s a perfect way to enjoy a peaceful summer evening while immersing yourself in the local traditions and culture of Mie.

18. Nagoya July Grand Sumo Tournament (July 14 - July 28)

  • Location: Nagoya

  • Type: Sports Event

The Nagoya July Grand Sumo Tournament is one of Japan's six major sumo tournaments, attracting top sumo wrestlers from around the country. Held in Nagoya, the tournament provides an opportunity to witness the strength and skill of sumo wrestling in a traditional setting.

Sumo matches are steeped in ritual and tradition, making the tournament a fascinating experience for both long-time fans and newcomers. The tournament lasts for two weeks, offering plenty of chances to see sumo wrestlers compete and learn more about this ancient sport.

19. The Japan International Birdman Rally (July 27 - July 28)

  • Location: Shiga

  • Time: 6:00 AM

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Sports Event

In Shiga, the Japan International Birdman Rally is a unique event where participants in human-powered flying machines launch themselves off a jetty and attempt to glide as far as possible over the water. The event is a blend of creativity, engineering, and daredevil spirit, attracting teams from across Japan and beyond.

Spectators can enjoy watching the inventive and often whimsical flying machines take flight, with some achieving impressive distances and others ending in a splash. The rally is a fun and entertaining event that showcases human ingenuity and the thrill of flight.

20. Nagasaki Port Festival (July 27 - July 28)

  • Location: Nagasaki

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Fireworks

The Nagasaki Port Festival is a summer celebration in one of Japan's most beautiful seaside spots. The festival includes a series of fireworks displays that light up the night sky over the port, creating a stunning visual spectacle.

In addition to the fireworks, the festival features various performances and activities that reflect the local culture and traditions. Visitors can enjoy the picturesque setting of Nagasaki’s port, sample local foods, and soak in the festive atmosphere.

21. Beppu Fire Sea Festival (July 27 - July 28)

  • Location: Beppu, Oita

  • Time: 8:00 PM

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Fireworks, Matsuri (Festival)

The Beppu Fire Sea Festival is one of Kyushu’s largest fireworks displays, held in the hot spring town of Beppu. The festival features a spectacular show of fireworks that light up the night sky and reflect on the sea, creating a breathtaking view.

The festival also includes various traditional performances and activities that celebrate the town’s rich cultural heritage. Visitors can enjoy the lively atmosphere, explore the local attractions, and indulge in the delicious food offered at the festival stalls.

22. Ono Hiyoshi Shrine Sanno Festival (July 27 - July 28)

  • Location: Ono Hiyoshi Shrine, Ishikawa

  • Time: 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Cultural Festival

The Ono Hiyoshi Shrine Sanno Festival is a unique event featuring lion dances and performances by participants dressed as demons. The festival includes a series of traditional rituals and ceremonies, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the region.

The highlight of the festival is the parade of demons and lion dancers, who perform energetic and elaborate dances that are both entertaining and steeped in tradition. The festival offers a fascinating glimpse into the local customs and provides an engaging experience for visitors.

23. Minato Maizuru Chatta Fireworks Festival (July 28)

  • Location: Maizuru, Kyoto

  • Time: 7:30 PM - 8:10 PM

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Fireworks

The Minato Maizuru Chatta Fireworks Festival in Kyoto finishes with a display of fireworks launched from a ship in the bay. The event creates a stunning spectacle as the fireworks illuminate the night sky and reflect on the water, providing a beautiful view for spectators.

Visitors can enjoy a leisurely evening by the bay, sampling local foods from various stalls and watching the fireworks show. The combination of the scenic coastal setting and the vibrant fireworks makes this a perfect summer evening event in Kyoto.

24. Naoetsu Gion Festival (July 26 - July 29)

  • Location: Joetsu City, Niigata

  • Time: 8:00 PM

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Fireworks, Matsuri (Festival)

The Naoetsu Gion Festival is one of the many Gion festivals held throughout Japan in July. Taking place in Joetsu City, Niigata, the festival features a series of traditional events and activities, culminating in a spectacular fireworks display.

Visitors can enjoy the festive atmosphere, explore the local attractions, and participate in the various cultural activities that are part of the festival. The fireworks display is the highlight of the event, lighting up the night sky and creating a beautiful and memorable experience.

25. Gion Festival 2024 (July 1 - July 31)

  • Location: Kyoto

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Matsuri (Festival)

The Gion Festival in Kyoto is one of Japan’s most famous and longest-running festivals, taking place throughout the entire month of July. The festival is centered around Yasaka Shrine and includes a series of events and parades featuring beautifully decorated floats known as yamaboko.

The highlight of the festival is the grand parade on July 17th, where the floats are paraded through the streets of Kyoto. The festival also includes various traditional performances, tea ceremonies, and other cultural activities. It’s a fantastic opportunity to experience the rich cultural heritage of Kyoto and enjoy the lively and festive atmosphere.

26. Sumiyoshi Festival (July 30 - August 1)

  • Location: Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, Osaka

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Matsuri (Festival)

The Sumiyoshi Festival at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine in Osaka is a three-day celebration that marks the end of the summer festival season. The festival features a series of traditional events, including a boat procession and various performances that reflect the shrine’s rich cultural heritage.

Visitors can explore the beautiful shrine grounds, participate in the festival activities, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere. The festival provides a perfect end to the summer celebrations, offering a deep dive into the traditions and customs of Osaka.

27. Kuroishi Neputa Festival (July 30 - August 5)

  • Location: Kuroishi, Aomori

  • Time: 5:30 PM - 12:00 AM

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Festival

The Kuroishi Neputa Festival in Aomori features a parade of beautifully decorated floats, known as Neputa, which are carried through the streets in a lively procession. The floats are adorned with intricate designs and illuminated, creating a stunning visual display.

The festival also includes traditional music and dance performances, adding to the festive atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy the local hospitality, explore the historic town of Kuroishi, and immerse themselves in the vibrant celebrations of this unique festival.

28. Sapporo Summer Festival (July 19 - August 16)

  • Location: Sapporo, Hokkaido

  • Time: 12:00 PM - 9:00 PM

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Matsuri (Festival)

The Sapporo Summer Festival is home to the biggest beer garden in Japan, attracting thousands of visitors each year. Held in Odori Park, the festival features a variety of beer and food stalls, live music, and cultural performances.

The festival provides a perfect opportunity to relax and enjoy the summer weather with a cold beer and delicious food. The lively atmosphere, combined with the beautiful setting of Odori Park, makes this a must-visit event for anyone in Hokkaido during the summer.

29. Nijō Castle NAKED Summer Festival 2024 (July 26 - August 25)

  • Location: Nijō Castle, Kyoto

  • Time: 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM

  • Cost: ¥1,400 - ¥2,200

  • Type: Festival, Illumination

The Nijō Castle NAKED Summer Festival transforms the historic Nijō Castle in Kyoto into a vibrant festival paradise. Organized by the art collective NAKED, the event features a stunning display of lights and digital art installations that illuminate the castle grounds.

Visitors can explore the beautifully lit castle and enjoy various interactive installations that blend traditional Japanese culture with modern art. The festival provides a unique and enchanting experience, offering a new perspective on one of Kyoto’s most iconic landmarks.

30. Shirahama Fireworks Festival (July 21 - August 25)

  • Location: Shirahama, Wakayama

  • Cost: Free

  • Type: Fireworks

The Shirahama Fireworks Festival has been held in Wakayama since 1948, featuring a series of fireworks displays that light up the night sky over the beach. The festival includes over 2,500 fireworks, creating a stunning visual spectacle that draws large crowds.

Visitors can enjoy the beautiful beach setting, explore the local attractions, and participate in the various activities offered at the festival. The combination of the scenic coastal environment and the vibrant fireworks makes this a perfect summer event in Wakayama.

A Month of Unforgettable Celebrations

As July draws to a close, Japan’s festivals leave an indelible mark on all who experience them. The vibrant parades, breathtaking fireworks, and rich cultural displays create a tapestry of memories that linger long after the events have ended. 

These celebrations are not merely fleeting moments of joy but a profound reflection of Japan's enduring traditions and communal spirit. Whether you attended one event or many, July’s festivals offer a deep connection to the heart of Japanese culture.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What festivals are in July in Japan?

July in Japan is packed with festivals. Notable ones include the Gion Festival in Kyoto, known for its grand parades; the Tenjin Festival in Osaka, featuring boat processions and fireworks; and the Hakata Gion Yamakasa in Fukuoka, famous for its fast-paced float races. The Ise Shrine Dedication Fireworks in Mie and the Mount Fuji Opening Fireworks Festival also highlight this festive month.

Q2: What happens in July in Japan?

July is a lively month in Japan, with many summer festivals, fireworks displays, and the start of the Mount Fuji climbing season. Cities and towns celebrate with parades, traditional music, and food stalls while fireworks light up the night skies across the country.

Q3: What is the biggest summer festival in Japan?

The Gion Festival in Kyoto is the biggest summer festival in Japan. It runs throughout July and features elaborate float parades, traditional music, and ceremonies, attracting large crowds and offering deep historical significance.

Q4: What are the top 5 festivals in Japan?

The top five festivals include the Gion Festival in Kyoto, Awa Odori in Tokushima (August), Nebuta Matsuri in Aomori (August), Tenjin Festival in Osaka (July), and Kanda Matsuri in Tokyo (May, odd-numbered years). These festivals are known for their vibrant celebrations and cultural importance.

Q5: What month is best for festivals in Japan?

July and August are ideal months for experiencing festivals in Japan. July features major events like the Gion Festival and numerous fireworks displays, while August continues the festive spirit with significant events like the Awa Odori and Nebuta Matsuri.