What a great experience. When you are “so done” with the Temples and the shopping this is what you need to do. I took the class with a friend, but this is a very family friendly experience that everyone can participate in. You get a little history, a little knife technique, a little info on ingredients and a whole lot of fun and food to eat that you personally prepared! The instructors were fun, helpful and informative. Easy to understand ( I am from the USA)
Great way to spend an afternoon
If you need a rest while exploring Kyoto - this is the perfect afternoon. The class was presented by two wonderful teachers who guided the participants through the recipes in an knowledgeable and engaging way. I learned a lot while having fun.
Michelle B
Just do it, really!
What a great experience. When you are “so done” with the Temples and the shopping this is what you need to do. I took the class with a friend, but this is a very family friendly experience that everyone can participate in. You get a little history, a little knife technique, a little info on ingredients and a whole lot of fun and food to eat that you personally prepared! The instructors were fun, helpful and informative. Easy to understand ( I am from the USA)
Great way to spend an afternoon
If you need a rest while exploring Kyoto - this is the perfect afternoon. The class was presented by two wonderful teachers who guided the participants through the recipes in an knowledgeable and engaging way. I learned a lot while having fun.