我們的導遊 Remi 絕對令人難以置信!他知識淵博,風趣幽默,而且非常酷!我和我的妻子很幸運能在一個只有我們在一起的團隊中,所以我們能夠得到他的充分關注並瞭解他關於日本的所有建議,尤其是如何出行和吃飯的地方(他推薦了一家餐廳,最終擁有我吃過的最好的壽司)。
刀具工廠令人著迷,讓人們可以很好地看到大師級工匠的工作。在 Remi 的深入磨刀課程之後,我能夠從工廠購買一把定製的廚師刀,甚至可以觀看其中一位高級工匠按照我和我妻子的規格雕刻它。作為一名熱情的家庭廚師,這把刀現在是我廚房裡最珍貴的財產。
總的來說,這是一次很棒的旅行,我和我的妻子有多喜歡它,怎麼強調都不為過!10/10,5 星!
Unique Insight into Sakai’s Knife-Making Tradition
We had an absolutely fantastic experience on this tour! Our guide, Remy, was incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about Sakai’s history, particularly its knife-making tradition. Watching skilled artisans turn raw material into handmade knives was a rare privilege, and the opportunity to learn sharpening techniques firsthand was a highlight. We purchased a beautifully crafted knife, and we now truly appreciate the craftsmanship behind these high-quality tools. We highly recommend this tour to anyone looking for a unique and immersive cultural experience.