与 Samurai Chef 一起烹饪是最好的!
我们在日本庆祝了结婚 2 周年纪念日的一部分,在金泽举办了这个有趣的烹饪课。我们不仅可以穿上非常酷的寿司厨师服装,还可以从专业厨师那里学习久经考验的日本烹饪技术。我们既制作了著名的菜肴,也制作了金泽当地的菜肴。武士厨师还全程拍摄了很棒的照片,并能够在我们离开课堂之前空投它们。这门课有一种非常随意和有趣的氛围,同时仍然对成分和技术都有真正的信息。我们能够带走一个 PDF,其中包含我们在课堂上学到的所有成分、技术和秘密。这是真正的交易,我不能向所有人推荐它,从独行旅客到情侣,还有家庭。厨师使用两种类型的翻译设备来确保每个人都可以访问他的课程,无论语言能力如何。
We absolutely loved this cooking class, learning from Nakata San who is so talented! The live translation made conversations really easy with Nakata San who was very engaging and really funny!
It was great to be able to learn some very authentic recipes from this class. Both myself and my husband aren’t the greatest cooks, but that did not get in the way of us being able to learn and practice Nakata San’s teachings.
This is definitely one of the highlights of our trip to Japan and I would recommend this to anyone who travels to Kanazawa and is seeking an authentic Japanese food experience.
Thank you Nakata San!!