Horyu-ji, established by Prince Shotoku in Nara Prefecture, Japan, is a historically significant Buddhist temple with deep cultural and architectural importance. Founded in 607 AD, it stands as one of Japan's earliest and most cherished temples.
Horyu-ji is renowned for its well-preserved wooden structures, making it one of the world's oldest surviving wooden buildings. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and an exemplar of Asuka period architecture, reflecting early Japanese Buddhist and architectural influences from China and Korea.
The temple complex comprises two main areas: the Western Precinct (Saiin Garan) and the Eastern Precinct (Toin Garan). The Western Precinct houses the iconic five-story pagoda, a central pillar in Japanese temple architecture, and the Kondo (Golden Hall), which holds valuable Buddhist statues and artifacts. In contrast, the Eastern Precinct features the Yumedono (Hall of Dreams), a structure surrounded by a legend of miraculous healing powers and where visitors can pray for good dreams.
Beyond its architectural marvels, Horyu-ji is a repository of priceless ancient artifacts, including sculptures, paintings, and sutras, providing insight into the development of Buddhism and art in Japan. The temple holds a pivotal role in the history of Japanese Buddhism and remains a revered place of worship and cultural heritage.
法隆寺是由日本聖德太子(Prince Shotoku)於公元607年在日本京都府奈良建立的佛教寺廟。它是日本歷史上最重要的佛教寺廟之一,也是世界上保存最完好的古代木建築之一。
法隆寺由兩個主要區域組成:西院(Saiin Garan)和東院(Toin Garan)。西院擁有標誌性的五層寶塔,這是日本寺廟建築的中心柱,以及金堂(Kondo),其中包含價值不菲的佛教雕像和文物。相反,東院有夢殿(Hall of Dreams),傳說中有神奇的治療力量,遊客可以在這裡祈禱美夢成真。