Trip To Japan

Nagoya Port Festival

4.1 (200)Tourist AttractionTransit StationPoint Of InterestEstablishment

Imagine a night when the sky over Nagoya Port bursts into vibrant colors, and each explosion is mirrored in the serene waters below while the air fills with the joyful sounds of celebration. Welcome to the Nagoya Port Festival, an annual summer spectacle that has captivated visitors since 1946.

This mid-July event, held in honor of Marine Day, brings together locals and tourists to celebrate Nagoya's rich maritime heritage. The festival's highlight is undoubtedly the breathtaking fireworks display, where around 3,000 fireworks illuminate the night sky, offering a mesmerizing show against the backdrop of the port.

Beyond the pyrotechnics, the festival features traditional performances, lively parades, and a variety of food stalls offering delectable local treats. It provides a sensory experience that celebrates Nagoya's vibrant culture, past and present.

Don't miss the opportunity to participate in this dazzling celebration. Mark your calendars for mid-July and immerse yourself in the unforgettable ambiance of the Nagoya Port Festival.

Join us for spectacular fireworks, cultural festivities, and joyous community spirit.


Varies depending on the event.

7:30 PM - 8:10 PM (Fireworks)


Dates vary depending on the event.

Minimum Age

All ages are welcome.

Admission Fee


The area

1-3 Minatomachi, Minato Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 455-0033 일본

What other travelers are saying about Nagoya Port Festival

작은 항구이지만 수족관 음식점등 대중시설이 있어 가족들과 함께 산책 및 시간을 보낼 수 있어요
2024. 10. 8.
제가 갔을때는 5시정도였는데 사람도 문연곳이 별로 없어서 구경만 하고 왔네요.
2019. 5. 26.
바람쐬며 유유히 산책하기 좋은 곳. 연인들끼리 산책 및 데이트 코스로도 현지인이 꽤 가는 것으로 알고 있다. 나고야역이나 사카에에서 20~30분 정도면 오는 곳. 여행일정이 짧다면 어쩔 수 없겠지만, 여유가 있다면 일일패스권을 사서 와도 괜찮은 곳인 것 같다. 식당가에 음식도 먹을 만 하고, 나고야항 수족관 또한 어린아이랑 함께 온다면 가보는 것을 추천!
JoonHyeok Kim
2018. 8. 17.
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2018. 3. 25.

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