What other travelers are saying about Ōsu Kannon Temple
The temple was built at the request of Emperor Gomurakami, so its architectural style is truly majestic. It is known as one of the three great Kannon temples in Japan, along with Asakusa Kannon at Sensoji Temple in Tokyo and Tsu Kannon in Mie Prefecture. Osu Kannonji Temple houses Japan's oldest collection of books, many of which are unique and valuable. Although Osu Kannon is not open to the public, these collections are enough to prove the great historical value of Osu Kannon.
A very famous temple in Nagoya.
It is a popular spiritual site, and if you have the chance, I highly recommend visiting for a prayer.
Nowadays, many places in Japan prohibit feeding pigeons,
but here, you can buy feed and experience feeding them, which is quite rare.
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