This is an art gallery with an elegant design and a sense of space. There are benches at many locations inside the gallery, from which you can view the works from a distance. There are also benches outside the exhibition area, from which you can enjoy the sunset city view, which is very comfortable. There are lockers available for borrowing in the library. There are so many wonderful works, and to understand Japanese aesthetics, it is necessary to appreciate and learn them well. The transportation here is convenient and you can get there by taking the MRT.
In addition, it takes about 25 minutes to walk from here to Kanda Jimbocho. The density and treasures of the antique book street are amazing, and you may find your favorite idol photo albums.
有非常多展品,而且一定要嘗試 2/F 餐廳,好有水準餐廳。最好睇展覽前預定。
There are a lot of exhibits, and you must try the 2/F restaurant, which is a high-quality restaurant. It is best to make reservations before viewing the exhibition.
有不少西洋畫, 或受歐洲畫家影響嘅日本洋畫家, 藝術裝置⋯etc , 響呢邊第一次親身睇到幅O’Keeffe 作品, 隔離就有草間彌生作品,好有心思!不過呢邊museum shop相對小一點及較狹窄。