我们很高兴我们预订了这次旅行。导游 (Yuri) 信息量大、专业且友好。我们得到了许多有用的口头和印刷背景,关于相扑这项运动、马厩和我们在训练中看到的人。这是一个非常有趣的早晨。我们坐在擂台附近。我认为从中得到的比去参加比赛要多(即使我们本可以买到门票)。我强烈推荐这个。
Excellent tour
This was a really great experience. The guide (Yuri) who took us gave us all sorts of useful information about Sumo, the stable we visited and the competitors in training that we saw. We were close to the ring and got excellent photos. I am so glad we did this rather than a tournament (even if we could have got tickets). I really recommend this