Cool night tour!
We had such an amazing time at our food tours, we did Tokyo at Shinjuku with Wes learned about the history, the nightlife and had a very local Izakaya meal. In Osaka with Melissa, tried local food, good Sake. It was good fun around Dotonbori we were able to enjoy the city views , the fried specialties and had a great night out!
大阪的美食之旅绝对令人愉悦。我们的导游 Kentaro 知识渊博,他解释了我们参观的每家餐馆的烹饪风格,还让我们对日本文化有了深刻的了解,以及食物如何成为其中不可或缺的一部分。在旅行过程中,他为我们选择吃的每一道菜都很好吃。他还解释了许多推动大阪本身的文化,并在道顿堀地区的许多标志性地方为我们拍照。和他在一起也很有趣。我会向任何想要欣赏真正的大阪饮食文化的人推荐这次旅行。