Wonderful experience touching wild life in forest.
It's located just 300-meter from old town. You can go in side of Shinmei parking lot 50-meter East from red bridge and walk up narrow slope to mountain. Then arrive at the ring trail entrance. Go counter clock wise route into the forest. It's two-kiro-meter or 40-minutes beautiful walk hideaway from crowded noise. The roof coverd bench with toilet located middle of the route called Kin-ryu-gaoka. Wild birds and squirrels picked up penuts from your hand there. Antelope natural monument family also live there. All wild animals are careflly protected by locals walk around there for their health eveyday. They talk with you "O-ha-yo-u go-zai-masu" or Good morning with smile friendly all the time. This experience is one of the best memories in your trip in Japan.
11월 13일 (수)
오늘은 이른 아침부터 낡은 거리에 갔다 후, 성산 공원에서 스타트해, 히가시야마 산책길(히가시야마데라마치)이나 나카하시 주변을 천천히 산책해, 단풍에 물드는 거리를 즐겼습니다.
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